Thursday, May 19, 2011

Passing Attractions, Step Right Up!

I have noticed that we humans, as a whole, cannot have our attention on one thing for very long. If you think about it, look how many times we change our clothes style. I mean what was "fad" in the 70's isn't really in style anymore. Or Facebook.

Before Facebook, there was Myspace. In a way, Facebook ripped off Myspace. After FB got well known, Myspace kind of went down the shitter. And it didn't start there. I remember a site called Bolt. I don't know if you guys remembered, or was ever on it, but back then, it was the shit.

I don't remember if it had a little profile thingy or not, but what it did have was posting to the home page. It was exactly like how Facebook is. I remember going to the library (That's right, when I was living with Grandma I didn't have internet.) and spending my one hour allotment on the computer on that site.

Then came along Myspace. My sister actually got me into it because she found a girl who we went to highschool at Immanuel's profile. I thought it was pretty insane to post pictures of yourself on the site, and leave behind comments and what not.

So insued the Myspace craze. I learned how to write code for the background I wanted, and I wrote blogs on the site, and it was crazy. And now I don't really get on it.

Why? Because of Facebook. I was stationed in Japan, when one of my friend's in Virginia asked me when I was going to get a Facebook. I was kind of trying to keep it old school with myspace, because I didn't want to conform to yet again, another internet site.

In the end though, I relented. The site is pretty cool. Kind of basic, but whatever. It keeps your attention. And then for fear of their site being shut down, they added flash games to the site to hold their audience's attention. Why? Because of a new site called Twitter. So I won't be at all surprised that Facebook will take that walk of shame that Myspace and Bolt already walked.

My point to all this is, mankind gets bored too easy. If you think about it though, it's what helped us where we are at now. Some guy got tired of hitching his horse up to the wagon every time he wanted to go down the street, and invented the car. Another guy got tired of driving for insane long times to go see Aunt Betty in another state away, and invented the airplane.

See? But when it comes to internet sites, that's where we, as a spieces, get dumber. What has Facebook ever accomplish? And any site like that. Not saying that Facebook is some stupid site that won't help us invent the next greatest invention. Just that it's a "fad" thing now. Most likely our children in the future won't even remember/never been on it before.

Anyways, going off subject now, Vampires really do suck. I mean the stories are all rip offs of each other. I mean Count Dracula, he is the most bad ass vampire out there.

He had a harem, didn't give a shit, but was so gentlemanly. Then what happened to that? Ann Rice and Hollywood. They start protraying the vampires as lost souls who can never die. What's worse, is two things. One, they're VAMPIRES. Come on, do you really think that Dracula cared about what he did, what's he doing, and what's he going to do? Hell no. He didn't let that bother him.

But remember the movies/T.V. Interview with the Vampire, and Forever Knight? Just assuming that you HAVE heard of them, the main characters were going through eternity, redeeming themselves. I mean COME ON! Really? If I was Dracula, I would slap the shit out of them both!

And that brings me to my point two on why Vampires suck. It's a big rip off. I know I said that before, but I'll explain what I mean. Okay, so you have Interview with the vampire. It was a major hit, so you know what Hollywood did then? They made Forever Knight. Actually to correct myself, I think Forever Knight came out before Interview did. Anyways, one of them became an instant hit, so they made another cop of the same thing.

Then after that, here came Blade. Now I can't really knock on Blade, well because like Dracula, he was a badass. The only thing that is remotely similar, is the fact that he had feelings. I guess that's the half human part. Anyways, then they dressed up the vampires to suit the teenage girls and the fourty year old virgins and now we have Twilight.

Same gist, the vampire is trying to redeem himself by being good, whining about when he was bad, and seeking self redemption. Except one thing. They FUCKING sparkle. After that became a big hit, hollywood did it again.

The Vampire Diaries. Same thing. Self redemption and yadda yadda yadda. Except they don't sparkle, and you can kill them. Also, not half as annoying. See what I mean though? The same thing, just dressed up in different clothes, with a different name.

If you don't like that, Hollywood just gives the vampire silver hair, a bow, fake ears. What do you get when you add that up? Orlando Bloom...

Wow if you are still reading this, I commend you. This blog is really long.... Applaud yourself.

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