Monday, May 2, 2011


I decided to look up a well known church that pickets military funerals. Needless to say, I was disgusted. They actually have a schedule when they are going to picket, and where. All I had to say was wow. The lies that come out of these people's mouths are ludicrous. What's more ludicrous is the fact that they use the rights that we military people fought, and died for, to do this. It's hypocritical. I would love for them to go live in the Middle East, or North Korea. Or better yet, China. Let's see how far they would go there. I bet not far. Anyways, here is just one sample of what they had to say. Keep in mind, that they have plans to picket Arlington National Cemetery this month

WBC to picket doomed america's worship of the dead "heros."  We have experience with the military in this country.  They are filthy, vile, self-worshipping beasts.  All bad all the time.  It is a lie that the military of this country is filled with brave, self-sacrificing patriots.  They are incompetent cowards and bullies.  Perverts of every sort.  They fight for the perverts of this nation to murder their babies, to "marry" their fag partners, and to commit whoredoms & abominations of every kind.  The Lord no longer builds the american house: nor does the Lord watch over and protect America.  (Psalm 127:1)  The soldiers are dying for the sins of this nation.  You have made God your enemy and He, Himself is fighting america.

 I have a couple of things to say about this one statement. 1. We are not "filthy, vile, self-worshipping beasts." Do you want to do the job that every military member has done past and present? Are you willing to die for your country? Any one who signs a contract that is payable up to that person's life is the opposite of what you condemn us for.

The same goes for when you claim that we are not brave, or self-sacrificing patriots. People have died for your right to say that, it is your right to say what you say. You know why? Because the military bought that freedom in blood. The freedom that you so love to use against us.

2. They are incompetent cowards and bullies.  Perverts of every sort.  They fight for the perverts of this nation to murder their babies, to "marry" their fag partners, and to commit whoredoms & abominations of every kind. Wow. You know who else they fight for? YOU! To sit there and claim that we use that freedom against you is total BS. Again, go to another country. Protest against them, and see how far it gets you. Probably not a great ending.

3. The Lord no longer builds the american house: nor does the Lord watch over and protect America.  (Psalm 127:1)  The soldiers are dying for the sins of this nation.  You have made God your enemy and He, Himself is fighting america. Okay, if God is not with us, and you sincerely believe that this nation is doomed, then what the hell are you doing here? Aren't you an American? So wouldn't that mean you are doomed? And to throw a Bible verse against us is moronic. Jesus never came down here to preach hate, to rally against your fellow person. No, he taught love, and peace. If anyone is doomed to hell, it is YOU, and not us.

Here is the website if you want to check it out.

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